Stay away from violent German men! Nearly 33% of men believe that "it is okay to be violent towards women"

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The German children's charity (Plan International) recently conducted a survey of 18 men and women aged 35 to 2000 in the country. The results showed that 33% of young men believe that when quarreling with their partners, they occasionally become "slippery" or rude to women. The use of violence is acceptable, and the investigation has sparked heated debate.

According to a report by CNN, the organization recently conducted a survey among 18 men and women aged 35 to 1000 in Germany. 34% of the men admitted that they had committed violence against women in the past, and the reason for doing so was to instill in women the ability to learn Respect and obey. In addition, 33% of men even said that it is acceptable to occasionally get physical when arguing with their partner.

The German Federal Equality Organization is shocked by the above-mentioned survey results and believes that the phenomenon that nearly one-third of young men feel that violence against women is okay needs to be changed.

In fact, according to data provided by the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), 2021 women in Germany were victims of partner violence in 11.5. Germany also has one of the highest femicide rates among European countries, and the problem has become even more severe during the COVID-XNUMX pandemic.

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