德國知名景點新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein Castle)6月14日傳出命案,一名30歲男子疑似因為性騷擾不成,憤而將2名美國籍的女遊客推下山谷,造成1死1傷。
The New York Post reported that the two victims were 21-year-old Asian woman Eva Liu (transliteration: Eva Liu) and 22-year-old Asian woman Kelsey Chang (transliteration: Kelsey Chang), both from the University of Illinois in the United States. Two students from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who had just graduated from college a month ago, met for a trip and something tragic happened.
It is reported that when they visited Neuschwanstein Castle, the suspect first lured the two to a stand, and then assaulted the two but encountered resistance. In desperation, he pushed the two women down the valley. Eva died of her injuries after being sent to the hospital. When Casey fell, he hit a tree and was cushioned, so he only suffered bruises and cuts.
The man fled the scene, but police found him nearby the same day and arrested him on suspicion of murder, attempted murder and sexual crimes. In addition, the man and the two victims happened to stay in the same hotel, but he did not know the victims before.