西班牙夜店大火 / 根據美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)等報導,西班牙東南部城市穆西亞市(Murcia)市郊的一家知名夜店於當地時間10月1日早上6點發生大火,目前已知導致13人死亡。
當地媒體指出,該場大火發生「劇場夜店」(Teatre nightclub)。網路流傳的影片顯示,建築物被熊熊大火吞噬,並且有濃煙從窗戶竄出。消防員直到起火兩小時後才控制住火勢、進入建築物內,並立刻發現6具遺體,隨著他們搜索建築物,持續發現更多遺體。
The number of deaths at the Teatre #nightclub in Murcia, #Spain has risen to 13.
— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) October 1, 2023
The #Murcia City Council decrees three days of official mourning
????At least six people have died in fire in nightclub in Murcia in southeast Spain.
— Volcaholic ???? (@volcaholic1) October 1, 2023
The fire started at Murcia's Teatre nightclub around 06:00 local time. The death toll may rise as authorities search for missing people who were in the club at the time. Four people have been… pic.twitter.com/8iPnBw8jHk